Saturday, April 10, 2010


Ever seen those spinning wheels in the front yards as your driving by a townhouse? Maybe it's around the Fourth of July or Easter and those little guys are whirling in the wind. To me, that is one of the for sure signs of warm, sunny days. Rightly so, this doily pattern is called 'Pinwheel' by Mary Konior. The photo is a little dark because the thread is a very light yellow. Just in time for the daffodil blooms!

Today was a beautiful day outside; breezy, lots of sun and gardening! But something that is just 'peeping' around the corner! CHICKS! We got 5 more Barred Rocks and 1 Araucana to add to our happy little coop. We have 3 Barred Rocks at the moment and we just love em! These little gals are about a week old and have the cutest 'peep peep peeps.'

Time to hit the hay! I'm soo tired from gardening/ being outside all day.
Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

rainbows and raindrops said...

they're so cute! The better half loves chicks/chickens

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